
Friday, March 11, 2011

Hantu Kak Limah Go Bel Class.???

This story begin with all of my classmates were attending  the bel class at UITM Dungun..all of my friends go to the class early except me and a few of my friend.As I arrived at the class I  had feel  very strange feeling.Suddenly,the class had blackout…I cannot see a thing in the dark,then I see a light from far..when the light  come toward me I feel  very  scary…I saw like a few woman came with the light.. I heard a voice sound like…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUX3.. 
I really shocked when realized that is a candle light of a birthday cakes and its actually was a surprised party..What is really happening now?All of them acting like they attending the bel class..but it actually was a birthday party.What a great acting they had done..After I cut the cake and someone fed me..he2..I heard a voice..this is where the true story begin…the voice said go get the water downstairs..after I arrived at the stairs,I had turned into zombies..then I met kak Limah(Abby)..We make a move to scared all of our classmate..
the party has turned into chaos..Then,Ustaz Azizi came.. he said”kalu enggak penuh ilmu di dada xkan smpai ke terusan suezzz..huhu ..actually he said stop2,I saw something”.After that,we clean the class and quickly leave the class..we all heading back to our hostel…So,from this experience i has got a name for this story.This story is entitled”Hantu Kak Limah Go Bell Class”.My special thank to all actor involved in this story,you all had done a great things that I will never forget..Thankss..HM1112A members. J

<<All actors involved in this story enjoying their bel class..huhu             

kak limah n zombie kampung pisang..................>>

<< she is my cake holder n feeder..he3..thankzz..v :)           

kak..limah eat cake?yum3..enjit2 semut sape sakit naik atas....hahahaha....>>>> 
but i,m really happy that night..i will never forget my wonderful moment that night.. :)  Thankss you all..

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